Order Advance Admission, Giant Slide, Ye Old Mill or Cookies Today!

There's something for everyone on your holiday gift list from the Iowa State Fair! The holidays are the perfect time to grab Fair admission, Giant Slide and Ye Old Mill tickets or cups and buckets of Barksdale's State Fair cookies. Iowa State Fair gifts are Santa-approved. Shop now at www.iowastatefair.org!

Discounted Admission Tickets

Advance ADULT admission ticket: $11

Advance CHILD ticket: $7

Giant Slide ticket: $3

Ye Old Mill ticket: $3

Barksdale's State Fair Cookie CUP ticket: $5

Barksdale's State Fair Cookie BUCKET ticket: $20

Fair items are only available online at www.iowastatefair.org.

Fair-themed merchandise is available at www.blueribbonfoundation.org. All merchandise sales support the Iowa State Fair Blue Ribbon Foundation's efforts to preserve and improve the Iowa State Fairgrounds.

REMINDER: Frozen Barksdale's State Fair Cookie Dough is on sale until November 27, 2024, at www.iowastatefair.org.

ALERT: The first 2025 Grandstand shows will be announced in December. Sign up for our e-newsletter and text alerts or follow us on social media for a chance to win tickets before you can buy them!